Wampfler AG


Brunnmattstr. 13

3174 Thörishaus

Telefon: 031 889 08 11
Fax: 031 889 08 66


Welcome to Conductix-Wampfler - Wampfler Group

The Conductix-Wampfler Group - part of the Delachaux Group - is one of the world?s leading suppliers of mobile energy supply and data transmission systems. With 15 companies and several partners Conductix-Wampfler is present in nearly all relevant countries. With about 1000 employees across the globe, the group generated sales of over ? 163 million in fiscal 2009. Conductix-Wampfler?s core competence lies in the development, production, consulting and installation of solutions that provide tailor-made answers for all questions to do with energy supply and data transmission for moving consumers. The customers include crane-construction companies, manufacturers of ?people mover? systems, suppliers of conveyor technology, the automobile industry, machinery manufacturers and many more... In addition to its undisputed capabilities in these sectors, the company is remarkable for its expertise in applications, since today, all the typical technologies for the transfer of energy and data are combined under one roof. Festoon systems, conductor rails, energy guiding chains, spring cable reels, motorized cable reels, slip ring assemblies and contactless power transmission systems. For the customers, this means consulting without bias towards a particular product, and the means to achieve the optimum technical implementation for the specific application. Handling systems from Conductix-Wampfler are at home in almost all sectors of industry. Advanced solutions and professional advice help in the ergonomic design and optimization of workplaces ? a factor that is just as important for a small trade business as for a large concern. Innovative and tailor-made solutions are not just confined to the products. Instead, Conductix-Wampfler stands for completely consistent concepts that cover everything from the first consultation through to the acceptance of the customized pre-assembly, test procedures, or the on-site installation. Conductix-Wampfler strengthens its leading position as an expert partner for development , delivery and service, through the performance of these out-of-house services for the customer.



cable and hose reels


cable chains


cable trolleys




cellular buffers


compressed air and electric supply systems


conductor rails


data transmission


energy & data transmission


equipment carrier and tool transporter


handling systems


inductive power transfer iptsupsup


jib booms & equipment cranes


motorized cable reels


rubber buffers




slip ring assemblies


spring cable and hose reels


wire ropes

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