Tuttnauer Schweiz
a division of ABJ International Inc.
Praxiseinrichtungen Sterilisatoren
Wankdorffeldstr. 104
3014 Bern
Fax: 031 348 46 23
Website: www.tuttnauer.com
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Autoclaves, Sterilizers and Disinfectors | Tuttnauer
Tuttnauer's autoclaves and sterilization and infection control products are trusted by Hospitals, Universities, Research Institutes, Clinics and Laboratories throughout the world. Supplying a range of top-quality autoclaves, steam sterilizers, washers and disinfectors to over 100 countries, Tuttnauer has earned global recognition as a leader in sterilization and infection control.
autoclave sterilization
-autoclave sterilizer
-dental autoclaves
-infection control
-laboratory sterilizers
-medical sterilizers
-medical waste
-pharmaceutical sterilizers
-steam sterilization
-steam sterilizers
-washer disinfectors
Stäubli Max AG
Medizinaltechnik Spätzstr. 14, 8810 Horgen .. Tel. 044 728...Details
HBM BioVentures AG
Grabenstr. 25, 6340 Baar .. Tel. 041 768 1...Details
Stiftung zur Förderung von innovativen Technologie..
Schönmattstrasse 4, 4153 Reinach BL .. Tel.Details
Omnimprax AG
Seetalstr. 5, 5630 Muri .. Tel. 056 675 56...Details
Straub Medical AG
Medizinaltechnik Straubstr. 12, 7323 Wangs .. Tel. 081 720 04...Details
Tschudin + Heid AG
Präzisionsmechanik u. Medizina.. Hauptstr. 35, 4437 Waldenburg .. Tel. 061 965...Details
Surgial Device Instruments Mattenstr. 11, 2555 Brügg .. Tel. 032 374 7...Details
Fischer Söhne AG
Extrusionsblas-Spritzgusstechn.. Luzernerstr. 105, 5630 Muri .. Tel. 056 675 ...Details
Neuroswiss AG
Medizintechnik Könizstr. 74, 3008 Bern .. Tel. 031 371 0...Details
medi-lan ag
Hammerstr. 3, 6312 Steinhausen .. Tel. 041 748...Details
Talmos GmbH
Medizinaltechnik Dorfstr. 6b, 8484 Weisslingen .. Tel. 052 383 1...Details
SWSI Swiss Surgical Instruments AG
med. Instrumente Christoph Merian-Ring 23, 4153 Reinach .. Tel. 061 825 ...Details
Ortek AG
chirurgische Implantate u. Ins.. Industrie Nord 5, 5634 Merenschwand .. Tel. 056 675...Details
Tuttnauer Schweiz
a division of ABJ Internationa.. Wankdorffeldstr. 104, 3014 Bern .. Tel. 031 348 16...Details
Hardmeier Electronics AG
Industrielle Elektronik Entwic.. Weststr. 115, 8408 Winterthur .. Tel. 052 224 ...Details
Hardmeier Electronics AG
Industrielle Elektronik Entwic.. Weststr. 115, 8408 Winterthur .. Tel. 052 224 4...Details
Haag-Streit AG
Medizinaltechnik Gartenstadtstr. 10, 3098 Köniz .. Tel. 031 978 ...Details
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